Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011

Today we headed back to the Disney University for our "Mechantainment" training:) Yes, that is what it's called, basically using merchandise to entertain the guests:) haha We all know I love doing that!! haha SWEET! Our trainers this time were John and Nancee, and btw Nancee is crazy just like me!! haha we had a hilarious time all day! The group was split into a couple different ones and this time I was the only Canadian in my group so I'm sure they all think that all Canadians are crazy now haha! You're welcome everyone!! haha no it was great:) We started the day off doing more training modules on the computers, then we trained on cash registers they have set up in a room at the University. It was super crazy! But awesome! Ya, nothing was super difficult for me on the registers~thank you Toys 'R' Us!~except that they don't have debit down here so that's kinda weird. AND they don't have chipped credit cards either which is REALLY weird since that's such a big deal in Canada now! crazy! But the registers are all computerized and touch-screen and nice!! (also not surprising but very nice haha) Anyways, it was a great day and I'm sure I left a crazy but positive mark on their day, just like they left one on mine! haha In fact, on Sunday Kyra and I didn't get ribbons that say "EARNING MY EARS" because Andrew said we'd get them on Tues but then everybody else got them on Monday so I was sad and Nancee ran all the way to her car just to get one for me! haha And John made an announcement and I got a little ceremony:) haha it was super awesome! Ya we had a great time! It's crazy how many different trainers we get for every different thing but it's awesome how super but unique each of them is! I'm having a great time! And like I said, I decided today to make it a goal to leave a positive mark on this company, even if I have to do it one day at a time, one person at a time. It's the only way I can move forward, right? Anyways, thanks mom and dad for teaching me that:) I love you all!

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